Potential Corporate Tax Avoidance in Zambia’s Mining Sector? by Oxfam in Southern Africa - Oxfam in Southern Africa - Exposure
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Potential Corporate Tax Avoidance in Zambia’s Mining Sector?

Estimating Tax Revenue Gains from Addressing Profit Shifting or Revising Profit Allocation Rules: A Case Study of Glencore and Mopani Copper Mines.

Oxfam in Southern Africa
By Oxfam in Southern Africa

© 2025 Oxfam in Southern Africa

Oxfam in Southern Africa works in six countries namely Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Comoros, Madagascar and Mozambique fighting poverty and injustice. Oxfam in Southern Africa (SAF) is part of a global confederation that believes that in a world rich in resources poverty is not inevitable. We put women's rights at the centre of all our interventions.
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